iETS: State space model for intermittent demand forecasting

Authors: Ivan Svetunkov, John E. Boylan Journal: International Journal of Production Economics Abstract: Inventory decisions relating to items that are demanded intermittently are particularly challenging. Decisions relating to termination of sales of product often rely on point estimates of the mean demand, whereas replenishment decisions depend on quantiles from interval estimates. It is in this […]

smooth v3.2.0: what’s new?

smooth package has reached version 3.2.0 and is now on CRAN. While the version change from 3.1.7 to 3.2.0 looks small, this has introduced several substantial changes and represents a first step in moving to the new C++ code in the core of the functions. In this short post, I will outline the main new […]

ISF2022: How to make ETS work with ARIMA

This time ISF took place in Oxford. I acted as a programme chair of the event and was quite busy with schedule and some other minor organisational things, but I still found time to present something new. Specifically, I talked about one specific part of ADAM, the part implementing ETS+ARIMA. The idea is that the […]

After the creation of ADAM: smooth v3.1.0

Since the previous post on “The Creation of ADAM“, I had difficulties finding time to code anything, but I still managed to fix some bugs, implement a couple of features and make changes, important enough to call the next version of package smooth “3.1.0”. Here is what’s new: A new algorithm for ARIMA order selection […]