Multistep loss functions: Geometric Trace MSE

While there is a lot to say about multistep losses, I’ve decided to write the final post on one of them and leave the topic alone for a while. Here it goes. Last time, we discussed MSEh and TMSE, and I mentioned that both of them impose shrinkage and have some advantages and disadvantages. One […]

Detecting patterns in white noise

Back in 2015, when I was working on my paper on Complex Exponential Smoothing, I conducted a simple simulation experiment to check how ARIMA and ETS select components/orders in time series. And I found something interesting… One of the important steps in forecasting with statistical models is identifying the existing structure. In the case of […]

What does “lower error measure” really mean?

“My amazing forecasting method has a lower MASE than any other method!” You’ve probably seen claims like this on social media or in papers. But have you ever thought about what it really means? Many forecasting experiments come to applying several approaches to a dataset, calculating error measures for each method per time series and […]

What’s wrong with ARIMA?

Have you heard of ARIMA? It is one of the benchmark forecasting models used in different academic experiments, although it is not always popular among practitioners. But why? What’s wrong with ARIMA? ARIMA has been a standard forecasting model in statistics for ages. It gained popularity with the famous Box & Jenkins (1970) book and […]

The role of M competitions in forecasting

If you are interested in forecasting, you might have heard of M-competitions. They played a pivotal role in developing forecasting principles, yet also sparked controversy. In this short post, I’ll briefly explain their historical significance and discuss their main findings. Before M-competitions, only few papers properly evaluated forecasting approaches. Statisticians assumed that if a model […]

Multi-step Estimators and Shrinkage Effect in Time Series Models

Authors: Ivan Svetunkov, Nikos Kourentzes, Rebecca Killick Journal: Computational Statistics Abstract: Many modern statistical models are used for both insight and prediction when applied to data. When models are used for prediction one should optimise parameters through a prediction error loss function. Estimation methods based on multiple steps ahead forecast errors have been shown to […]

smooth v3.2.0: what’s new?

smooth package has reached version 3.2.0 and is now on CRAN. While the version change from 3.1.7 to 3.2.0 looks small, this has introduced several substantial changes and represents a first step in moving to the new C++ code in the core of the functions. In this short post, I will outline the main new […]

ISF2022: How to make ETS work with ARIMA

This time ISF took place in Oxford. I acted as a programme chair of the event and was quite busy with schedule and some other minor organisational things, but I still found time to present something new. Specifically, I talked about one specific part of ADAM, the part implementing ETS+ARIMA. The idea is that the […]

Stochastic coherency in forecast reconciliation

My student (co-supervised with Nikos Kourentzes), Kandrika F. Pritularga has written a paper on “Stochastic coherency in forecast reconciliation”, which has been recently published in International Journal of Production Economics (here it is). This paper contributes to the field of hierarchical forecasting, the main issue of which is that the forecasts produced on different levels […]