Conferences 2018

Next year I’m going to attend several forecasting-related conferences. I’ve decided to make a list in order not to forget what to attend. Here it is:

  • International Symposium on Forecasting, 17-20 June, 2018, Boulder, Colorado, USA. This is the key event in forecasting, which any self-respecting forecaster should not miss. I don’t know what to present there yet, but I’ll come up with something as an excuse to attend the symposium.
  • Informs Society for Marketing Science Conference, 13-16 June, 2018, Temple University, Fox School of Business, Philadelphia, US. This conference will be held week before ISF2018, so why not kill to birds with one stone (or at least scare them). I’m going to present a topic, I’ve been working on with my colleagues Victoria Grigorieva (Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg, Russia) and Yana Salihova (Economic State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia).
  • OR60, 11–13 September, 2018, Lancaster, UK. OR conference this year will be held in Lancaster, and there will be a forecasting stream (or maybe several), so it would be shame to miss it.
  • useR!, 10-13 July, 2018, Brisbane, Australia. This is a specialised R conference, where I might present my smooth package for R. However Australia is far and expensive, so I’m not yet sure if I would go there. But it’s good to keep this event in mind.

Finally, there are so called “Quarterly Forecasting Forums” happening 4 times a year in England. They are organised by an unofficial consortium of universities (currently only four): Bath, Cardiff, Coventry and Lancaster. The next event is planned for the end of February – beginning of March in Lancaster. After that the forum will be held in Bath. Unfortunately, I don’t yet have any details about these events, so stay tuned. If you are interested in participating, please, send me a message or leave a comment to this post.

UPDATE: Bahman Rostami-Tobar pointed out to me that there will be a 24th IIF Workshop on “Forecasting for Social Good“, 12-13 July, 2018 in Cardiff, UK. Have a look, this should be an interesting event.

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