An Integrated Method for Estimation and Optimisation

My PhD student, Congzheng Liu (co-supervised with Adam Letchford) has written a paper, entitled “Newsvendor Problems: An Integrated Method for Estimation and Optimisation“. This paper has recently been published in EJOR. In this paper we build upon the existing Ban & Rudin (2019) approach for newsvendor problem, showing that in case of the linear model, […]

Stochastic coherency in forecast reconciliation

My student (co-supervised with Nikos Kourentzes), Kandrika F. Pritularga has written a paper on “Stochastic coherency in forecast reconciliation”, which has been recently published in International Journal of Production Economics (here it is). This paper contributes to the field of hierarchical forecasting, the main issue of which is that the forecasts produced on different levels […]

Multi-step Estimators and Shrinkage Effect in Time Series Models – presentation for CEBA

Today I have made a presentation on the topic of “Multi-step Estimators and Shrinkage Effect in Time Series Models” for Center for Econometrics and Business Analytics (CEBA) of St.Petersburg State University. This presentation was based on the paper with the similar name written by Ivan Svetunkov, Nikolaos Kourentzes and Rebecca Killick. In the presentation, I […]

Forecasting method vs forecasting model: what’s difference?

If you work in the field of statistics, analytics, data science or forecasting, then you probably have already noticed that some of the instruments that are used in your field are called “methods”, while the others are called “models”. The issue here is that the people, using these terms, usually know the distinction between them, […]

Seminar and presentation at Bath University

Last week I have visited Bath University, where Dr. Fotios Petropoulos works. He organised a scientific seminar, where I could present my recent research on topic “One for all: forecasting intermittent and non-intermittent demand using one model“. The presentation was well received and rose several interesting questions from the participants of the seminar, which will […]