Conferences 2019

I usually prepare these types of posts at the end of the previous year, but this time I failed to do that earlier. As a result many deadlines for the abstract submissions have already passed. However, there are still several events that you can register for and attend in 2019:

  1. 5th April, CMAF Workshop on Retail Demand Forecasting and Data Science, London UK. This is an event organised by the Centre for Marketing Analytics and Forecasting of Lancaster University, UK. This is focused on practitioners. Anyone interested can register on the website and attend, this is a free event.
  2. 29th April, CMAF Workshop on Business Forecasting using R: Are we there yet? London, UK. This is also organised by CMAF and this is also a free event. The workshop might be interesting to practitioners who want to know more about R, how to use it for decision making and whether it is worth investing in support systems based on R.
  3. 23 – 24th May, 25th IIF Workshop: Predictive Analytics: Theory, Applications and Algorithms, Cambridge, UK. This is the workshop organised by the International Institute of Forecasters. It should be interesting to the forecasting and machine learning audiences.
  4. 3 – 5th September, Forecasting stream at OR61, Kent University, UK. The stream is organised by Robert Fildes and John Boylan. It’s too early to say who specifically will be there, but the OR conferences are usually quite versatile and are interesting to attend.

You can still attend the following events:

  1. 16 – 19th June, 39th International Symposium on Forecasting in Thessaloniki, Greece. I am presenting on the topic of intermittent demand and also co-authoring three other talks (on vector exponential smoothing, on hierarchical forecasting and on complex-valued modelling).
  2. 20 – 22nd June, ISMS Marketing Science Conference 2019, Rome, Italy. I won’t attend this myself, but some of my colleagues are going. This should be an interesting event, taking place in a great city.
  3. 9 – 12th July, useR!, Toulouse, France. I will be presenting the functions of smooth package and I will be giving the hex stickers for smooth and greybox packages for free at this event. So if you have spaces on your laptop that you don’t know how to fill in, going to Toulouse and getting hexes is the best thing you can do this summer…

Hopefully, I will be able to come up with the next post like this some time before the end of 2019.

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