State space ARIMA for supply-chain forecasting

John Boylan and I have been working lately on a paper, explaining the logic behind the ssarima() function from the smooth package. This paper has finally been accepted and published. Also, based on a modified version of the ssarima() function, I have developed a SSARIMA module for Smoothie software, developed by DemandWorks company. Both the […]

Conferences 2019

I usually prepare these types of posts at the end of the previous year, but this time I failed to do that earlier. As a result many deadlines for the abstract submissions have already passed. However, there are still several events that you can register for and attend in 2019: 5th April, CMAF Workshop on […]

Analytics with greybox

One of the reasons why I have started the greybox package is to use it for marketing research and marketing analytics. The common problem that I face, when working with these courses is analysing the data measured in different scales. While R handles numeric scales natively, the work with categorical is not satisfactory. Yes, I […]

greybox 0.3.0 – what’s new

Three months have passed since the initial release of greybox on CRAN. I would not say that the package develops like crazy, but there have been some changes since May. Let’s have a look. We start by loading both greybox and smooth: library(greybox) library(smooth) Rolling Origin First of all, ro() function now has its own […]

International Symposium on Forecasting 2018

This year I have presented an extension of the research from ISF2017, called “Forecasting intermittent data with complex patterns”. This time we developed the model with “logistic probability”, which allows capturing complex patterns in demand occurrence part of the data. I also tried making the presentation more entertaining and easier to understand by a wider […]

Presentation at ISMS2018

This year I participated the Informs Society for Marketing Science Conference in Philadelphia. I presented a research that I work on together with Victoria Grigorieva, Yana Salihova and Florian Dost. This is an ongoing research, and we are trying to capture the dynamics of ecosystems on the market of mobile devices in order to see, […]

greybox package for R

I am delighted to announce a new package on CRAN. It is called “greybox”. I know, what my American friends will say, as soon as they see the name – they will claim that there is a typo, and that it should be “a” instead of “e”. But in fact no mistake was made – […]