ISF2022: How to make ETS work with ARIMA

This time ISF took place in Oxford. I acted as a programme chair of the event and was quite busy with schedule and some other minor organisational things, but I still found time to present something new. Specifically, I talked about one specific part of ADAM, the part implementing ETS+ARIMA. The idea is that the […]

ISF2021: How to Make Multiplicative ETS Work for You

This year International Symposium on Forecasting was held online, although Centre for Marketing Analytics and Forecasting of Lancaster University had their own hub, where we would come and watch presentations together and even present to the others. I presented on the topic of Multiplicative ETS, based on this chapter of the ADAM textbook and on […]

Multi-step Estimators and Shrinkage Effect in Time Series Models – presentation for CEBA

Today I have made a presentation on the topic of “Multi-step Estimators and Shrinkage Effect in Time Series Models” for Center for Econometrics and Business Analytics (CEBA) of St.Petersburg State University. This presentation was based on the paper with the similar name written by Ivan Svetunkov, Nikolaos Kourentzes and Rebecca Killick. In the presentation, I […]

International Symposium on Forecasting 2019

The ISF2019 took place in Thessaloniki, Greece. This time I presented a spin-off of my research on intermittent demand in retail, entitled as “What about those sweet melons? Using mixture models for demand forecasting in retail”. The idea is quite trivial and simple: use mixture distribution regressions (e.g. logistic and log-normal distributions) in order to […]


I was recently invited to attend the SMUG2019 conference (SMoothie Users Group), organised by Demand Works company in New York. They asked me to present two topics: State space ARIMA for Supply Chain Forecasting, based on which I have developed a module for Smoothie a couple of years ago, Artificial Intelligence in Business, one of […]

Conferences 2019

I usually prepare these types of posts at the end of the previous year, but this time I failed to do that earlier. As a result many deadlines for the abstract submissions have already passed. However, there are still several events that you can register for and attend in 2019: 5th April, CMAF Workshop on […]

International Symposium on Forecasting 2018

This year I have presented an extension of the research from ISF2017, called “Forecasting intermittent data with complex patterns”. This time we developed the model with “logistic probability”, which allows capturing complex patterns in demand occurrence part of the data. I also tried making the presentation more entertaining and easier to understand by a wider […]

Presentation at ISMS2018

This year I participated the Informs Society for Marketing Science Conference in Philadelphia. I presented a research that I work on together with Victoria Grigorieva, Yana Salihova and Florian Dost. This is an ongoing research, and we are trying to capture the dynamics of ecosystems on the market of mobile devices in order to see, […]