Salut mes amis! Today I’ve presented my smooth package at the useR!2019 conference in Toulouse, France. This is a nice conference, focused on specific solutions to specific problems. Here, people tend to present functions from their packages (not underlying models, like, for example, at ISF). On one hand, this has its own limitations, but on […]
“smooth” package for R. Intermittent state-space model. Part I. Introducing the model
UPDATE: Starting from smooth v 3.0.0, the occurrence part of the model has been removed from es() and other functions. The only one that implements this now is adam(). This post has been updated on 01 January 2021. UPDATE: Starting from smooth v 2.5.0, the model and the respective functions have changed. Now instead of […]
“smooth” package for R. Common ground. Part IV. Exogenous variables. Advanced stuff
Previously we’ve covered the basics of exogenous variables in smooth functions. Today we will go slightly crazy and discuss automatic variables selection. But before we do that, we need to look at a Santa’s little helper function implemented in smooth. It is called xregExpander(). It is useful in cases when you think that your exogenous […]
“smooth” package for R. Common ground. Part III. Exogenous variables. Basic stuff
One of the features of the functions in smooth package is the ability to use exogenous (aka “external”) variables. This potentially leads to the increase in the forecasting accuracy (given that you have a good estimate of the future exogenous variable). For example, in retail this can be a binary variable for promotions and we […]
smooth functions in 2017
Over the year 2017 the smooth package has grown from v1.6.0 to v2.3.1. Now it is much more mature and has more downloads. It even now has its own hex (thanks to Fotios Petropoulos): A lot of changes happened in 2017, and it is hard to mention all of them, but the major ones are: […]
“smooth” package for R. Common ground. Part II. Estimators
UPDATE: Starting from the v2.5.1 the cfType parameter has been renamed into loss. This post has been updated since then in order to include the more recent name. A bit about estimates of parameters Hi everyone! Today I want to tell you about parameters estimation of smooth functions. But before going into details, there are […]
Old dog, new tricks: a modelling view of simple moving averages
Fotios Petropoulos and I have recently written a paper about a statistical model, underlying Simple Moving Average. Although we are usually taught in Forecasting courses, that there is no such thing, we found one. We have submitted this paper to International Journal of Production Research, and it has been recently accepted (took us ~4 months). […]
smooth v2.0.0. What’s new
Good news, everyone! smooth package has recently received a major update. The version on CRAN is now v2.0.0. I thought that this is a big deal, so I decided to pause for a moment and explain what has happened, and why this new version is interesting. First of all, there is a new function, ves(), […]
“smooth” package for R. Common ground. Part I. Prediction intervals
UPDATE: Starting from v2.5.1 the parameter intervals has been renamed into interval for the consistency purposes with the other R functions. We have spent previous six posts discussing basics of es() function (underlying models and their implementation). Now it is time to move forward. Starting from this post we will discuss common parameters, shared by […]
“smooth” package for R. es() function. Part VI. Parameters optimisation
UPDATE: Starting from the v2.5.6 the C parameter has been renamed into B. This is now consistent across all the functions. Now that we looked into the basics of es() function, we can discuss how the optimisation mechanism works, how the parameters are restricted and what are the initials values for the parameters in the […]