Conferences 2018

Next year I’m going to attend several forecasting-related conferences. I’ve decided to make a list in order not to forget what to attend. Here it is: International Symposium on Forecasting, 17-20 June, 2018, Boulder, Colorado, USA. This is the key event in forecasting, which any self-respecting forecaster should not miss. I don’t know what to […]

International Symposium on Forecasting 2017

In Cairns, Australia, I have presented the topic from Bath — One for all: forecasting intermittent and non-intermittent demand using one model. It was well received although one of the professors did not understand the main point of the presentation and I could not explain him, why this is important and why the proposed approach […]

Seminar and presentation at Bath University

Last week I have visited Bath University, where Dr. Fotios Petropoulos works. He organised a scientific seminar, where I could present my recent research on topic “One for all: forecasting intermittent and non-intermittent demand using one model“. The presentation was well received and rose several interesting questions from the participants of the seminar, which will […]

19th IIF Workshop presentation

An IIF workshop “Supply Chain Forecasting for Operations” took place at Lancaster University on 28th and 29th of June. I have given a presentation on a topic that John Boylan and I are currently working on. We suggest a universal statistical model, that allows uniting standard methods of forecasting (for example, for fast moving products) […]

International Symposium on Forecasting 2016

This time I presented a talk on Trace Forecast Likelihood, based on the presentation given at Ghent and in Higher School of Economics earlier this year. Unfortunately, I was in the session of statisticians, who discussed hypothesis testing and weren’t aware of the area of my presentation. As a result, this presentation passed without any […]

Visit of Stephan Kolassa

This Wednesday Stephan Kolassa (Senior Research Expert at SAP) has visited Lancaster Centre for Forecasting. He gave a couple of very interesting talks and attended the presentation of PhD topics by Ivan Svetunkov, Yves Sagaert and Oliver Schaer (organised by Nikolaos Kourentzes). My topic was “Trace Forecast Likelihood”, some parts of which I have presented […]